Conceived in the literal underground of the INDEX:Records basement studio in Berlin, the enigmatic, new-coming “pop” group Downstairs People, is an unlikely collaborative project to be birthed from 2020 – the year of isolation. ‘Underground Pop’ is a collection of aural serotonin hits that touch the feel good receptors, genre hopping between synth-pop, house and neo-RnB.
The group is conducted and glued together by INDEX:Record's own, Jorge Camacho, the maestro behind his alias, vase. Camacho brings together a gauntlet of Berlin-based artists and INDEX: affiliates, dishing out something fresh after countless late night sessions, only to curate a serendipitously coherent record of left-field pop hits, that arrive just in time for summer.
Underground Pop by Downstairs People is out 16 April 2021 via single disk 12” LP vinyl, in full colour outer-sleeve and black inner-sleeve. A limited run of 250 copies are distributed worldwide by Rubadub.
Expected: 16th April 2021
Cat: INDEX008